Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Photos: From Ryan Gosling to Johnny Depp, the Most Imaginative ...

While a common critique of the business suit is that it’s a drab, uncreative uniform, nothing is as dogmatic as the penguin suit, the black-and-white formula that has had men waddling in lockstep for more than a century. Take a look at a photo of a black-tie function in the 40s: it’s really only the hairstyles and the women’s wear that make it any different from a gala now. With the exception of a long, unnerving breach beginning in the late 60s—when ruffled shirts, shiny velvet, and graphically tight pants became suddenly acceptable—the conformity has persisted until today. That is, for most men. In Hollywood at least, where a plumper-than-usual bow tie is considered a brave move, a select few have made the classic tuxedo much, much more their own. As we speculate about who the inevitable maverick will be at the upcoming Academy Awards, on February 24 (Johnny Depp is not nominated for an Oscar this year), peruse the red-carpet looks of men who have dared to publicly rethink black-tie in recent years, with varying degrees of success.


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